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- 實驗室級熱處理白楊木片適用於所有類型的成年沙漠蜥蜴或蛇。
- 高吸水性的底材,使其易於清潔和去除廢物。
- 不含刨花,條子,塵(99%無塵!)和異物。
- 適用於鬍鬚龍,蜥蜴,壁虎,沙漠型石龍子,蟒蛇,蟒蛇,鼠蛇,(玉米蛇),王蛇和其他沙漠爬行動物物種。
Suitable for all lizards or snakes
- Laboratory-grade heat-treated aspen wood chips are suitable for all types of adult desert lizards or snakes.
- Highly absorbent substrate, making it easy to clean and remove waste.
- Free of shavings, slivers, dust (99% dust-free!) and foreign objects.
- Suitable for bearded dragons, lizards, geckos, desert skinks, pythons, anacondas, rat snakes, (corn snakes), king snakes and other desert reptile species.