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- 光滑的表面,紋理細節和獨特的斑駁色彩增加了對棲息地的興趣和豐富。
- 與植物一起使用,營造出“自然主義”的外觀。
- 最堅硬,最密集的森林之一; 立即沉入水族箱,不像浮木,不會腐爛!
- Mopani Wood已經噴砂清潔,隨時可以添加到您的玻璃容器中。
- 對於在水族箱中使用,請記住所有天然木材會浸出單寧,這會使水變色並降低pH值。為了盡量減少這種影響,將木材浸泡在一個單獨的容器中,每天換水以去除多餘的單寧。當水的顏色從深棕色變為非常淺時,木材便準備就緒。
- 在水族箱過濾器中添加額外的碳可以幫助消除任何殘留的變色。
Size Jumbo, 尺寸/ Dimensions: 20″-24″
Suitable for aquariums or glass climbing tanks
Beautiful two color African hardwood for aquarium or glass climbing tank.
- Smooth surfaces, textural details and unique mottled colors add interest and richness to the habitat.
- Use with plants to create a “naturalistic” look.
- One of the hardest and densest forests; sinks immediately into the aquarium and, unlike driftwood, will not rot!
- Mopani Wood has been sandblasted clean and ready to add to your terrarium.
- For use in aquariums, remember that all natural woods leach tannins, which can discolor the water and lower the pH. To minimize this effect, soak the wood in a separate container and change the water daily to remove excess tannins. The wood is ready when the color of the water changes from dark brown to very light.
- Adding extra carbon to your aquarium filter can help eliminate any remaining discoloration.