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Zoo Med 的新型熱帶生物混合物底材-Tropical Bioblend
Zoo Med 的新型熱帶生物混合物底材-Tropical Bioblend
- ReptiSoil™ 基質結合了腐殖質、泥炭蘚、沙和碳,為您的「清潔人員」–鼠婦提供了茁壯成長的生活空間,同時也為您的植物提供了營養。
- 此基材混合物中也添加了 ReptiBark®。這些小片的杉樹皮為土壤提供排水和透氣,並防止壓實,確保無脊椎動物可以在基質上移動。
- 最後,添加Sphagnum Moss –泥炭蘚以保持水分並提高熱帶爬蟲玻璃缸內的濕度。泥炭蘚還可以抵抗腐爛,使這種基質持久耐用。
The inner mixture contains the following three types:
ReptiSoil™ substrate combines humus, peat moss, sand and carbon to provide a living space for your “cleaning staff” – the rat wives – to thrive while also providing nutrients for your plants.
ReptiBark® is also added to this substrate mix. These small pieces of cedar bark provide drainage and aeration to the soil and prevent compaction, ensuring that invertebrates can move across the substrate.
Finally, add Sphagnum Moss to retain moisture and increase the humidity inside the tropical reptile terrarium. Sphagnum moss also resists rot, making this substrate long-lasting.
The term “bioactive” is used to describe micro-ecosystems created in terrariums or terrariums. In complete biologically active habitats, small invertebrates (aka: rat wives) break down pet waste and provide nutrients to living plants. An ecological balance is created that reduces maintenance of the habitat by the breeder while enhancing its appearance. The right substrate mix is critical to a successful bioactive habitat, as it will be where your “cleanup crew” does their best to transform waste, and where plants will take root to absorb excess material.