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排名第一的水龜糧有 3 種顆粒大小和蛋白質水平(孵化、生長和維持配方)。 每一種都經過科學配製,以滿足水龜在其每個生命階段的飲食需求。 此維護配方符合維護成年水龜的飲食要求。 我們的顆粒漂浮使喜歡在水面吃東西的水龜更容易找到食物。
這種食物是天然的,添加了維生素、礦物質和其他微量營養素。 沒有添加人工色素、香料或防腐劑!
Adult Aquatic Turtle Maintenance Formula
The #1 Aquatic Turtle Food is available in 3 pellet sizes and protein levels (Hatch, Growth, and Maintenance formulas). Each is scientifically formulated to meet the dietary needs of aquatic turtles at every stage of their life. This maintenance formula meets the dietary requirements for maintaining adult aquatic turtles. Our pellet floats make it easier for aquatic turtles who like to eat on the surface to find food.
This food is natural and has added vitamins, minerals and other micronutrients. No artificial colors, flavors or preservatives added!