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Zoo Med Eco Earth Coconut Chips 是一種天然椰子殼纖維基材,由環保、可再生資源製成。具有高度吸水性,並能很有效保留水分,並緩慢地釋放水分,建立一個適合各種不同爬行動物、兩棲動物和無脊椎動物的潮濕熱帶環境。
此基材非常適合作為喜爱濕度的物種和潮濕小氣候的獨立基材,但也可用於生物活性基材。當與生物活性土壤混合物(Zoo med ReptiSoil) 混合時,粗塊本質可增加透氣性、抵抗壓實並有助於排水,這些都是支持植物生長和爬缸內清潔角色(鼠婦)健康的有利因素。
使用方法 :
使用時只需將磚塊浸在一桶水中約 30 分鐘即可。將剩餘的塊打碎並擠壓以除去多餘的水份。並添加到爬缸中,或與其他基材混合,以建立滿足您需求的完美基材混合物。每天對基材進行局部清潔,每 3-6 個月或根據需要徹底更換一次。
Zoo Med Eco Earth Coconut Chips are a natural coconut shell fiber base made from eco-friendly, renewable resources. It is highly absorbent and effectively retains moisture and releases it slowly, creating a humid tropical environment suitable for a variety of reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates.
This substrate is ideal as a stand-alone substrate for humidity-loving species and humid microclimates, but can also be used as a bioactive substrate. When mixed with a bioactive soil mix (Zoo med ReptiSoil), the chunky essence increases aeration, resists compaction, and aids drainage, all benefits that support plant growth and the health of your aquarium cleaners. factor.
Coconut husk flakes are durable and naturally resistant to mold and mildew, so they don’t need to be replaced as often. After use, it can be safely composted and reused in pots or gardens!
How to use:
To use, simply soak the bricks in a bucket of water for about 30 minutes. Break up the remaining chunks and squeeze to remove excess water. And add to climbing tanks, or mix with other substrates to create the perfect substrate mix for your needs. Spot clean the substrate daily and completely replace it every 3-6 months or as needed.
Once the matrix has expanded, the coconut shell pieces can be dried for use in dry habitats. Breeders can control the environmental humidity in the climbing tank by spraying or adding water as needed.