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Digital Combo Thermometer Humidity Gauge
Digital Combo Thermometer Humidity Gauge
溫度範圍由 – 20 C°至 + 60 C°,兩個探頭都可以用隨產品提供的吸盤固定。
<使用隨附的一粒 LR44 電池>
爬行動物是冷血動物。這就是為什麼潮濕和溫暖的環境對大多數物種來說都是必不可少的。爬行動物種類各不相同,但大多數需要21°C至 30°C的恆定溫度,而日曬太陽的區域溫度超過37.8°C
適當的濕度與溫度一樣重要。它也因動物而異。一些蜥蜴,如睫角守宮,需要 70% 到 80%的濕度,而一些蛇,如牛奶蛇,則需要 40 % 到 60 % 的濕度。了解您的外來動物的確切需求對於它們的安全和長壽至關重要。
Electronic thermometer and humidity combination unit for terrarium or other pet animal applications.
The humidity and temperature sensors are independent and therefore can be used in different locations. The temperature probe is waterproof so it can be used to monitor water temperature, but the LCD screen must be kept dry.
The temperature range is from – 20 C° to + 60 C°, and both probes can be fixed using the suction cups supplied with the product.
<Uses one LR44 battery included>
Reptiles are cold-blooded animals. This is why moist and warm environments are essential for most species. Reptile species vary, but most require constant temperatures between 21°C and 30°C, with basking areas having temperatures in excess of 37.8°C
Proper humidity is just as important as temperature. It also varies from animal to animal. Some lizards, such as the gecko, require 70 to 80 percent humidity, while some snakes, such as the milk snake, require 40 to 60 percent humidity. Understanding your exotic animal’s exact needs is crucial to their safety and longevity.
Optimum temperature and humidity levels for pets. They are used only as an initial reference. Be sure to consult an expert at your local store for specific recommendations for your animal.