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- 適用於包含爬行動物,兩棲動物或無脊椎動物的自然玻璃箱類型。
- 椰泥自然吸收和分解氣味和廢物。
- 有鬆散和壓縮磚可供選擇。
在Zoo Med的HydroBalls®上添加EcoEarth®椰泥,創造理想的排水層,在自然景觀的玻璃箱中實現最佳的植物生長,濕度和排水。
EcoEarth® Coconut Mud is an eco-friendly product made from coconut shells that can be safely composted or recycled into potted plants or gardens.
Suitable for natural glass box types containing reptiles, amphibians or invertebrates.
Coconut puree naturally absorbs and breaks down odors and waste products.
Available in loose and compressed bricks.
Add EcoEarth® Coconut Mud to Zoo Med’s HydroBalls® to create the ideal drainage layer for optimal plant growth, humidity and drainage in a glass box for natural landscaping.
Made in USA